Rachel Nahum
Geregistreerd op: 13 Jul 2020 Berichten: 3
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-- new balance mens shoes 2 (4) in terms of partial derivatives of kinetic energy matrix *J elements; and reduction of these expressions with four relations that hold on these partial derivatives. J -- ,p',jj (5) 4. Formation of the needed partial derivatives, expansion of where (qk * it) is the j t h velocity product in the [q4]vector, and the Coriolis and centrifugal matrix elements in terms of the derivatives, and simplification by combining is the Christoffel symbol. inertia constants as in 2. The number of unique non-zero Christoffel symbols required .
Three sirn-plifying assumptions were made for this analysis: the rigid bodyassumption;link 6 hasbeenassumed to besymmetric, that isI,% = Zyy; and only the mass moments of inertia are considered,that is I,,, Zyy and Z z z . The original output of EMDEG, includ-ing Coriolisand centrifugal terms, required 15,000 multiplicationsand 3,500 additions. This step might also have been performedwith new balance outlets the momentum theorem method used in [lzaguirre and Paul19851.In the second step of this procedure, the kinetic energy ma- The reduction of Equation (7) arises from the symmetry oftrix elements are simplified by combining inertia constants that the kineticenergymatrix.
Of the reductionfrom 126 to 39 2 kf3za" cos(82)cos(82 d 3 new balance shoes for men ) uzm3 cos2(e2) unique Christoffel symbols, 61 eliminations are obtained with the 2 Mzza3 cos"(82 03) a$m3 c0s2(82 83) general equations, 14 more with (9)and a further 12 with (10). $2 a2a3m3 eos(Bz)<�oos(82 6 3) JpYy sin"(62) (2) Step four requires differentiating the mass matrix elements withrespect to the configurationvariables.Themeans to carry Jz=, cos2(82) 2 dzdsms 2 Mz2a2 cos2(&) outdifferentiationauto,naticallyhavebeenavailableforsome a;mz cos2(&) d i m s dZm2 J2zz Jizz JizzCalculationsrequired: 37 multiplications,18additions.
The twowire direct measurement contributing to the calculation. The inertiasuspension method of measuring the rotational inertia requires dyadic and center of gravity parameters of link 3 new balance shoes men were measuredknowledge of parameters that are easily measured: the mass with the wrist attached; the values reported for link3 alone have been obtained by subtracting the contribution of the wrist from 9 the total of link 3 plus wrist. Tolerance values are reported with the values for link 3 plus wrist, as these are the original measure- ments. 6. T h e Measured PUMA 660 Parameters "9 The mass of links 2 through 6 of the PUMA arm are reported in Table4;the mass of link 1in not included becausethat link was Figure 1.
Link 4: The origin is at the intersection of the axes of joints * Values derived from external dimensions; &25%. 4 5 and 6; 24 is along the axis of rotationand The effective torsional spring methodof inertia measurement was appliedateachjoint.Themotor and drive inertia, Imotor, direct.ed away from link 2; Y4 11 Z3 whenjoint were foundby subtractingtheinertialcontributiondue to the arm dynamics, known from direct measurements, from the total 4 is in the zero position. inert,ia measured.Theuncertainty in the total inertia measure- ment is somewhat higher at joint one becauseof the larger frictionLink 5: The origin coincides withthat of frame 4; Z5 is di- at new balance sale that joint.
It was necessary to add positive velocity feedback rected away from the base; Y5 is directed toward (damping factor -0.1) to causejoint one to oscillateforseveral link 2 when joint 5 is in the zero position. cycles.Link 6: Theorigincoincideswith that of frame 4; when joints 5 and 6 arein the zeropositionframe 6 is aligned with frame 4.Wrist : The dimensions are reported in frame 4. Table 6. DiagonalTerms of the Inertia Dyadics and Effective Motor Inertia.Figure 2. The PUMA 560 in the Zero Position with Attached * Iucrtia Diadic [img]http://www.simplypotterheads.com/images/lose/new balance sale-267aje.jpg[/img] term derived from external dimenJions; *SO%. Coordinate Frames Shown. |